Hi, my name is Trent Murchison
I'm a Developer.

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About me

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I've been working in Web Development and Front-End Software Development for going on five years. I have experience using Drupal, WordPress, Javascript, React, Angular, and of course HTML & CSS! I am always eager to learn more and hit the ground running with new projects.

Outside of work, I enjoy camping, hiking, and backpacking. I eventually want to hike the entire Appalachian Trail (yes, all 2,190 miles). When not spending my time outdoors, you can generally find me listening to records, knitting, crocheting, reading, and exploring new cities via breweries.

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Robot Friends

Using React to create Robot cards & cardlist that is searchable and pulls data from API.

See Live Source Code

Generic Landing Page

Simple and generic landing page made with HTML, CSS, and used MailChimp to sign up for email subscriptions.

See Live Source Code

Generic Web Template

Simple and generice website page template to follow for building site pages. Built with HTML & CSS.

See Live Source Code
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Need to reach out to me? Feel free to email me below!
